Category: The Cassia Life

Pandemic’s Legacy to be With Us in Future

The end of the pandemic appears to be coming closer. Dare we hope? A variety of companies are seeking approval for use of their immunization products in the USA. And this Friday morning as I edit this blog, my morning newspaper’s front page headline reads, “Pfizer vaccine gets key U.S. OK.” And the world’s first Covid-19 vaccination is being given today to a British woman. Millions eventually will follow world wide. READ MORE

‘New’ Concept for Seniors: Active Aging

“Retirement? I hate it! I’d rather be working.” Speaking was Dr. Erskine Caperton, a St. Paul, Minnesota, MD who, five months ago, closed his full-time rheumotology practice and retired. The pressure was on from officials… READ MORE

How to Really Love an Old Guy

In a few words, be present and attentive. In other words, be there, constantly and faithfully. To really love an old guy, love so that he knows it. In any emotion-based endeavor, long-lasting support is love from the heart. READ MORE

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